Concepts and inventions for this world and beyond.
My key principles for good design
  • Design Fictions
    Start with a key moment and feeling. Think about the heart of the experience first and design out.
  • Future Folklore
    Step back, get a high level view and spot opportunities for meaningful interactions around the edges of the experience.
  • World building
    Where possible and appropriate, hide the technology to create seamless blended experiences that feel like magic.
What I Do
Experience design
We can estimate your company's opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Concepts and pitches
and artefacts. Future folklore, Parallel worlds, Design Fictions.
Interactive objects
We develop the strategy, conception, and ideology of the project and offer you city planning ideas.
Art direction, visual language, visual systems
Example projects
Immersive game-like experience
Design Fiction
Interactive haunted object
World building for Art Collection
Tap me up
Feedback, review, strategic advice
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Start with a good story
What's the character and plot? The more real the story the greater the emotional connection and empathy. The better the inspiration for the design.
World beyond the experience
Step back, get a high level view and spot opportunities for meaningful interactions around the edges of the experience.
Lenses of looking
Going wide with ideas, exploring through a variety of unexpected lenses to think as divergently as possible.
Design for emotion
Start with a key moment and feeling. Think about the heart of the experience first and design out.
Feel like magic
Where possible and appropriate, hide the technology to create seamless blended experiences that feel like magic.
Fail fast!
Make it real. Quick. If it's going to fail, fail fast. Failing is learning.
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