Let's play...

UX and interaction design for playful media

Hello, I'm Emma

A hybrid designer and artist playing at the intersection of games, tech and immersive.

From imagination to innovation - 6 creative strategies.
Logic will take you from A-Z, imagination will get you everywhere.
— Albert Einstein

Selected projects

Proof of concept funded by Innovate UK
An experimental blockchain Art collection
Brand design and visual language
Concept and interaction for a haunted object
Emma has consistently delivered great advice and results during the year we have been working together. She is particularly good at offering suggestions which take our research into new directions.
— Darren Abrahams

My creative approach

Curious and connected
Curious and interested in people, anything and everything. Seeking new information and following the thread.
Daily sketching. Playing with words and pictures. Drawing comics, inventing characters and making up stories feeds into my creative toolkit.
Fascinated by the potential of technology. Resident at Fusebox Brighton prototyping interactive, immersive experience in VR, AR and IOT.
Lean and loopy
Always start small.Everything is an experiment. Make it to try it. Fail? Learn, adjust and go again.
Clients and collaborators
Some of the lovely people I've worked with
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